Monday, June 2, 2014


Chicago refuses to turn a blind eye to Chicago's violence. On the brink of summer, The Bennet Family Ken Bennet, Chancellor Bennet and Taylor Bennet joined together to put a halt to useless killings. With the help of social media and local radio Stations, the campaign #SaveChicago successfully aided in 48 hour of putting the guns down. If you haven't heard of the Save Chicago Campaign, it is intended for the social media world. Anyone who has an Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter posted photos with caption that included #SaveChicago and it went viral. On twitter #SaveChicago is trending.  We have to do more than just tweet or post about it we have to take action! What will you do? Stay Tune for how The Lab3L will be joining with a local hot blog to make a difference in Chicago!

In Addition to the Campaign, there are many other Hip Hop artist looking to decrease the violence in the City of Chicago. 

Guess What Hip Hop Legend wants to bring Meditation to Chicago Public Schools?

Read how #SaveChicago all started and how Chance The Rapper, Taylor Bennet have fueled the campaign.

Also, check out Chance The Rapper's Paranoia to get an idea of how he sees Chicago.

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