Sunday, October 27, 2013

Simply Sunday: Living In The Present Moment

What's the recipe for a perfect Sunday? Simple.

Take chances. Go on an adventure. Be curious. Flirt a Little. Feed your soul. Laugh a lot. Take random pictures. Photo bomb. Shop. Be random. Get to know someone random. Learn something new. Teach something new. Take a class. Reward yourself. Live. Capture. Share it.
Here's our version of a perfect Sunday, brought to you by the wonderful city of Chicago.

Splash of Sun.
Target on Jackson and Van Buren

A Dash of Love... road not easily taken

Ounces of Nostalgic Moments 
The Boiler Room
Scoop of Nourishment.
Jibaro Sports Bar & Restaurant

And Top it All off With a Night Cap.... Or a Light Night Stroll.
Burberry Store,  Downtown Chicago

Remember, the present is a gift. Unlike the past, it hasn't already happened and like the future you aren't anticipating it's arrival. Why? Because it's happening right now, open your eyes. Enjoy. 

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