Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Breaking Bad....Communication: 5 Ways to Make Communicating Better

Lets face it. We all have our moments where we suck at communicating with each other, even if it's with the homies. Everybody seems to have their phone within reach of their fingertips but can't send a text back (well some can but they're just not interested....that's another subject). We totally get it. Sometimes things pop up or you forget to press the send button on a message. The world doesn't revolve around texting, however texting isn't the only way to talk to one another. We're not communcation guru's but here are some ways we think can help mend those distant relationships!


Snapchat is an easy and fun way to communicate with your buddies. Plus you get to see their wonderful faces if you're into that. Pictures speak a thousand words and since we all have our troubles here and there figuring out the right words to say, snapchat can definitely help solve that.

2.Face to face interaction

Nothing beats seeing a person in the flesh. Sometimes things can be misconstrued through a text and that causes way more drama than you ever intended on having. So much more can be accomplished or figured out when you're with a person so try to set aside some time to simply hang out.

3.Skype/FaceTime dates
If you're not the type of person that's into texting a person all day and everyday of the week just set aside a time to Skype or FaceTime once a week. This way you'll have much more to talk about when the time comes and there won't be that awkward silence or no text back when you recieve a one word text saying "yup." Don't we all hate those! That's definitely a conversation ender depending on the direction of the conversation.

4.Phone Calls


Phone dates can be set up too! Whatever happened to talking to someone on the phone? We used to do it all the time when we were younger and it was fun. Sometimes we even fell asleep on the phone together (how precious). This may also be more effective if your appearance is what's stopping you from skyping or facetiming someone.

5.Daily Inspirational Quotes/Pics/Songs/etc.

You don't always have time to get into a full blown conversation with someone but you're definitely thinking of them. Send an inspirational quote, a picture, their favorite song, or a quote from a movie to let that person know you're thinking of them (or better yet still breathing!). The person on the other end will greatly appreciate it and it definitely beats a text saying "Hi" with nothing to follow it.


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