Friday, November 8, 2013

Ten Funny Vines to Turn Up your Weekend
Juke parties were the best.....until the lights came on and you saw who you were boo'ed up with for the night lol.
I'm pretty sure most black girls can relate to this one. Anytime someone whose opinion matters compliments you on your back side you start feeling some type of way. #letsbehonest
LOL! We've seen a couple of these "classy" chicks pull this number when the night is over.
He caught her slipping and she gave him the illest side eye! Black people aren't the only ones rocking knock offs lol.
As bad as we were as kids we still couldn't understand why we got the whoopings we did. I'm pretty sure everyone has had this kind of post-whooping moment quietly so their parents couldn't hear lol.
Ladies be careful....your man may slap your side boo out of your inbox for real lol.
We're starting to think the Twerk Fairy may be the real deal with all of this twerking going on.
You know how parents feel about their walls! Twerking on the walls will catch up to you at some point lol.
Fellas don't get caught slipping. Your woman will do whatever needs to be done in order to tame that wondering eye.
Little kids are not slick at all lol. Enough said.
We tried to tell Kanye not to postpone the Yeezus tour in Chicago this week and this is how he repsonded. Yowzers!


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