Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A King Was Born

'Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.'

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

History making Kings help evolve our young princes and princesses to be rulers of their own futures. Martin Luther King Jr., a monument of peace and faith, was born today, Janurary 15, 2014, and we are sure glad he was. Dr. King sacrificed his own safety to assure the safety of his generation and generations to come. With beliefs and principles that still hold great value, his legacy continues to be a beacon of freedom to many people still experiencing injustice.  To honor all that he sacrificed for us to have the freedoms many of us take advantage of; The Lab3L would like to extend a great big Thank You, to Dr. King for having the courage to dedicate his life to a cause bigger than himself.

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