Sunday, January 5, 2014

Invest in Yourself, Create a Vision Board

Vision Board Series: Visualize and Actualize 


The important question you may be wondering is, What the hell is a 'Vision Board'? Well a vision board is an important key to getting everything you want in life, and becoming the best you possible. More specifically a vision board is usually a poster collaged with images from magazines or the internet. These images typically mirror what you want or need in life. Rather it's a new car, house off the beach, a sold out performance, a record deal or simply put peace in your relationships; a vision board is a great tool to help clarify and bring direct focus to many of your life goals. Forget about the 'New Year, New Me' crap and use this year to create the best you! 

By putting yourself in the enviornment with images and affirmations that connect with your lifegoals, you bring them closer to exsisting in the physical world. These clips can be anything from what you want to have, who you wish to be, what career you want, where you want to live or what type of lover you wish to have; and the point is that your life will manifest those things into existence. Simply put, whatever you envision will be brought to life by asking for it, seeing it, feeling it and believing it will be true.

Why Create Vision Boards:
1. Gives Purpose to goals.
2. Daily visual reminder of your goals.
3. It clarifies your needs, wants and desires.
4. Adds emotion and feeling to your goals.
5. Keeps your attention on your life intentions.
5. It's way more fun then a resolution/goal list.

Even if you are the most literal, cynical, straight forward person on earth, it does not not harm you to start your year right with focus, organization and vision. Creating a vision board, is the same as making a goal list for the month or year. However it is quite literally a lot more fun! A vision board is interactive and it forces you to openly think about where you want to be not only in the next year, but the next 5 or 10 years with no limitations or doubts. It also keeps your mind positive and can help bring happiness to the most sour day. 

Before you begin your vision board, sit quietly or play some calming music to get your mind set for the taks. During these moments of stillness and quiet ask yourself what you want, and just let your mind wander. Don't focus on trying to remember every word or image that comes in to your mind, just let the energy flow. Do not doubt, if unknowingly your minds puts I the image of a Maserati and your driving a Chevy, that's okay just go with it. 

After you do this for a few minutes, dive into the magazines, books and newspapers you've collected for this project. Begin with great enthusiasm and intent, keeping that energy flowing throughout the entire process. 

Here a some simple steps to creating your Vision Board:

1. Decide your theme(s)!

This could be life goals in general, or maybe you just want your vision board to be career base.

2. Find pictures that match your theme(s)!

Be open minded to many of the images you cross but if you have specific places you want to a visit or a dream home that you always wanted, feel free to print or cut those images out so that the board is that much more authentic. 

3. Print or Cut out images!

There is no set rules with how you do this, you can be creative, messy or straight forward. It's your vision, so do what ever you want!

4. Cut or Write Affirmations that match your theme(s)!

Affirmations are truly important as these words will show up even when your vision board is no where to be found. Say for instance the word dedication is on your board. If you are at work or school and you come across that word your mind will situate itself around your goals and trigger that motivation to be dedicated in whatever it is you may be doing at the moment or what you may have to do later.

5. Paste or Pin pictures and affirmations!

Next you want to put all the pictures and affirmations onto the board. If you have several themes you may way to organize them by sections, or just randomly paste them as you go. Again this is totally up to you, let your creative self flow throughout this project.

6. Hang it In a great place!

Where you place your Vision Board is truly important. If you have an office maybe you want to put it in your cubicle or on your wall. Maybe you want to see it every morning before you begin your day, so placing it by your door can be a great position. Whatever you decide, just make sure it is located in  someplace you will pay attention too on a regular.

7. Look and Focus on items daily! 

This is the most important part when creating a vision board. In order for your visions to manifest you have to constantly allow your conscious and subconscious self to be aware of these intentions and goals. Looking at these small and big goals will keep your attention on your intentions you have set for yourself. Keep your life on the right track. 

*Also, feel free to add items or remove them as times goes along. Nothing stays the same so neither does your vision for yourself.

If you are more of a digital person and feel that a psychical board will not be beneficial, there are several apps in both iTunes and in the Android Market that will cater to your needs.  Type in 'Vision Board' in your search bar and find what's best for you. 

Here are a two of our favorite vision board apps:

Take a look at these awesome visions boards for inspiration: 

So what is a Vision Board? The best gift you can give yourself as this New Year begins.

For more information on our fascination with Vision Boards, Checkout our post from 'Work It Out Wednesday', more specifically the section about 'The Secret'

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