Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The State of Us: Recap of the 2014 State of the Union Address

President Barak Obama, 5th State of the Union Address

President Obama presented his State of the Union address for 2014. "It's a Year for ACTION". In regards to all responsibilities of our nation: education, foreign affairs, military warfare, economic reform and equality. Here's what our President highlighted.


  • Not just filling in a bubble on a test but truly understanding and applying knowledge. 
  • High Quality Pre-School
  • Connecting students to high speed broadband access
  • 10 percent of the income a factor in deciding student loan paybacks.

Economic Reform

  • Women only earn 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. Equal pay for equal work. 
  • No one who works full time should ever have to raise a family in poverty. Businesses Do what you can to raise wages 
  • Give America a raise. Executive order to raise wages: increased to $10.10 an hour.
  • Help more Americans to get ahead. Prepare for retirement. My RA will have the ability to save for our middle class for a greater future.
  • Affordable Health Care: For well being the risk of bankruptcy should not be a thought in your mind in fears of sickness.
  • Help all get all people covered! 
  • Recognition through hardwork.
  • VOTE! Not the size of our bank accounts that drive our democracy.

Foreign Affairs

  • Americas longest war will finally be over by this year. Afghanistan will be responsible for it's own. With only a number of our soldiers just for attack prevention.
  • Remain vigilant. Only sending troops for battles that need to be fought.
  • America must remove itself from being heavily war footed.
  • Close Guantanamo Bay.
  • Backing Isreal.
  • Prevention of Iran detaining a nuclear weapon.
  • For the sake of our national security we must give diplomacy a chance. To prevent the risk of war. Promote understanding and goodness throughout the world.
  • Alliance with Europe is as strong.
  • In Africa, we are helping to eliminate poverty by helping with electric innovation.

Closing Remarks

  • Our ideals and opportunities here in America are strong as ever.
  • Officer Remsburg a second chance a gleam of hope and strength. Thanks for you and several strong and brave citizens of our country to stand strong for us. We support and honor your commitment to uphold the rough and honorable duty.
  • None of it is easy. But if We work together. With our feet planted firmly in today but eyes cast into tomorrow it is within our reach. BELIEVE it! 
  • Our President has spoken. Take the initiative, research and achieve all that you need and want to do. No dream can be silenced only executed. 

As President Obama has said "It's a Year of Action".

We can do it! 

How do you feel about the address? 


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