Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Social Media: The Immaturity, Deception and Destruction

Depicting Age Off Image:

Instagram post, Doing it for the Vine, Tweeting like no Tomorrow, and Facebook  are doing more than just updating "your status" it's also showing your "posted age". Nowadays users are tweeting and uploading pictures that are not only irrelevant but childish.

"Doing it for the Vine" has turned into the genre of entertainment in which violence and self hurt is the current Blockbuster Hit. But how old are we to laugh at pure foolishness? Similar to the animations found in an episode of Looney Toons, brutality has been brought to life by the amount of videos created. And unfortunately, some live cartoons are not able to make it to the next episode due to the extremity of their stunt.  Seeing that many of the Instagram posts are side by side with some pictures of the user's child/children,  it would be better if they decided to mature for the sake of their child and reflect that they have a child.


With so many different apps and sources of social media it's easy to get caught up in what's hot or not. It's also easy to totally recreate your self with that in mind. It seems as if people use accounts these days to portray somebody they wish to be more like. Let's admit it. Some people we meet through social media are totally different personality wise and even worse physically (for example the whole "catfish" phenomenon).

 They don't exactly strike you as being the same person whose tweets may show up on your timeline. Hopefully there comes a time when when we won't be so caught up in all this social media that we forgot what it's like to actually interact with a person. The internet can be a scary place because a person can be anybody they want but what's the fun in that if it's a front? Social media has helped produce some really deceitful people and we're wondering if this is what it's really going to be as long as it's here. 

"Maybe if we open our eyes to the truth about photoshop, we can photoshop ourselves a new #perspective."
                                                                     - College Humor

Socially Destructive 

Social Networking began as a fun place to interact with friends to see what's going on in your perspective social group. It has now grown to be a world wide, melting pot of entertainment, drama and destruction. There are plenty individuals who have pushed social media over the edge and has taken some of the simple fun along with it. 

For one, there are many points where privacy is invaded for the sake of laughs or a couple of likes. No one is thinking twice about how embarrassed the subject may feel or how they may even be breaking the law. While it seem strange that at some parties or events, videographers are protecting themselves by having consent forms on hand. By acknowledging the privacy of individuals, professionals are able to protect themselves from any potential lawsuit.

At any rate, social media users are ignoring the seriousness of boundaries, which if it continues, victims could press charges on the grounds of cyber harassment or bullying. So think twice about the world you're creating on social media, you don't want it to all come crashing down on you. 


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