Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tech Tuesday: iPad Pro Concept

So how awesome would it be if the macbook Pro and iPad got together in tech world and birthed a new phenomenon known as the iPad Pro? As owners of many Apple products, personally we'll be stoked. Maybe if Apple sees how much customers would want this new technology they will feel pressure to take this design serious. Ramotion is a technology agency that is known to build apps as well as many other mobile technologies. We think they have definitely hit gold with this new concept that they pitched to Apple. Take a look at all the cools specs below. 

3D Video Calls (I mean how crazy would that be?)

Taking multi-tasking to a whole new level

Now we know how it feels to get hyped on dream that Apple sells, but hopefully Ramotion is successful in their proposal with Apple and we can see this in stores next year!

Would you add this to your apple connection?

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