Monday, April 14, 2014

Lab3L Alert, Have You Been Hacked?

"They are calling it the biggest security breach in 12 years! Do yourself a favor and change all current passwords! #TheLab3lAlert #HeartbleedBug #weirdName #security #technology "

It comes at no surprise that NSA is allegedly behind the 'Heartbleed Bug Virus,' in fact hasbt this happened before?
I know most if you are wondering, what the heck is the the heartbleed bug, well we were to hence why we decided to give a little information on it.
Heartbleed Bug
Heartbleed is a hole in a security procedure that effects protecting  several web services, emails and websites. The security flaw was caused by a coding mistake and has been left as is for two years.
So to explain it simply, this bug allowed usernames, passwords and credit card information to be exposed. So yes, it's sort of a big deal, in fact there have been several attacks already reported. In order to make sure you're not the next victim, we encourage everyone to change their passwords to be safe.

The Lab3L, over and out!

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