Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A letter to Generation Y

Dear Generation Y,

We have often been associated with being the "lost generation". We have been called 'ungrateful, narcissistic, and entitled,' to name a few. We have been labl3d as the generation that doesn't understand the importance of communication and maintaining relationships. However, we are the generation that does not lean on the past for assurance of our own futures. We create with hope. We are driven with ideals, and positivity and will be remembered as such. 

In this moment, let us be reminded we do not have to lean on others for acceptance and happiness. We are a special breed. We had the pleasure of growing up in an economic boom, so we experienced prosperity.  We lived in the recession & we manage to make the best of it all by remaining optimistic & focused on our goals.

What other generation can sing 80's hits as if we made them, rock an 90's fit like cultural icons, play hide n go sneak like a kid, handle business as an adult & be as technologically intelligent as us.

We are the leaders of social revolution. We remember writing letters to friends or crushes in school, passing them through the lockers. While at the same time we know the power of subtweets and snapchats.

In this life, it is your duty to get what you deserve which means knowing when advice, situations, jobs, friendships and relationships are not benefiting you but harming you. Never let someone think you are unworthy of a position, a friendship or relationship.

Know your own worth, and let no one determine it for you. Go forth with confidence, you come from a generation misunderstood and that is okay, greatness is often recognized after its time.  So put every piece of yourself in anything you do to be sure they remember you. And for those who show no interest in being apart of your life... Play this song by Mr. Solo Dolo himself. 

Peace & Love


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