Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Work It Out Wednesday: Mind, Body & Soul Edition

Work It Out Wednesday: Mind, Body & Soul Edition

At The Lab3L we believe achieving life goals or simply being happy is directly associated with total health. We feel it is important to understand being healthy is not just working out everyday or eating the right foods. To be healthy means your mind, body and spirit are being taken care of regularly. 

Work it out Wednesdays is here to encourage you mid-week to go forth and be the best you.

With 3 weeks until Christmas and 4 weeks until the New Year, The Lab3L challenges you to join our "Work It Out Wednesday" Challenge. That way, by 2014 you have already incorporated great habits in order to live a prosperous life. Now before you make up your mind to say no, take a look at what it's all about. If it's not for you, that's okay maybe we can catch you next time. But you should spread the word anyway so someone else can be blessed!


The big secret to having a prosperous life is knowing that you create who you want to be, everything that occurs is a result of your own making. That is why it is important to have a positive mind set which fuel constructive thoughts. 

Today watch the "The Secret" You can find it on Netflix. Not enough time, catch clips on YouTube!

In addition, everyday this week remember to encourage yourself. First try being thankful for what you have & what you will have. Remind yourself through out the day how great you are and the goals that you have set. DO NOT let negativity or doubt cloud your happiness. If something negative happens in your day, try concentrating on something that makes you happy. That career move you've been working towards, or that trip you are taking in a few months. How about that loved one that always makes you smile. Focus on the good things at all times. It will be difficult at first, but trust your future self will love that you decided to make that mental adjustment.

Thought of the day: 

"I posses everything I need in order to achieve my goals. I will not give up nor let anyone else's negative energy disturb my inner peace or still my inner joy"


Try this simple 20 minute workout, (twice if you're feeling daring) to keep your blood circulating and your body looking tight.


If you want to have total happiness you must take care of your physical, emotional and spiritual self on an everyday basis. Spiritual wellness may not be something you think is important, yet its impacts your life rather you it's your focus or not. The foundation of spirituality is discovering a sense of meaningfulness and purpose in your life. We all have a purpose to fill, a healthy spirit makes it easier.

We have some simple steps you can use to assure your spirit is well taken care of. 

1. TAKE QUIET TIME: Take time for yourself daily, even if it's just before you go to sleep. In quiet time you find your true self.

2. BE OPEN: Spiritual experiences can happen anywhere at any time.

3. BE OPENMINDED: Being non-judgmental and having an open mind, allows for your spirit to grow.

4. BE FORGIVING: Practice forgiveness, period. Holding on to grudges is not healthy. Learn to let go. Start with simple things

5. FOCUS ON YOU: Pray, meditate or worship.

6. LIVE: Be happy and live joyfully. Find happiness in every moment. Every day isn't a good day, BUT there is good in everyday. 

7. BELIEVE: Allow yourself to believe in things that aren't easily explainable. Watch how the universe becomes at your finger tips. 

Thought of the day:

"All I seek is within."

Tune in Next week! Follow @TheLab3L on Twitter and Instagram 

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