Friday, December 6, 2013

Yolo: What We Learned From Last Nights Episode of Scandal!!!

Shonda sure knows how to leave her viewers at the edge of their seats! Last night's episode went way deeper than the usual suspense surrounding Olivia and Fitz and we loved every second of it. The characters are revealing more and more about themselves that we did not see coming at the beginning of season one. Next week is the season three finale so here are a few things we took from last nights episode to prepare us for what's in store! 

1. Politics aren't gay friendly: Anyone who has watched a political campaign can see how hyper sensitive our government is to the gay community. Scandal plays into the "homophobic" world of politics very well, but also in a scandalous way. By openly showing Cyrus is married to a man, we see the liberal side of politics that stand by gay  and lesbian rights. However, with the Vice President's husband cheating on his wife with a man, we are exposed to the more conservative side of politics. The side that would harshly ridicule both man and woman for allowing such debauchery to occur. Aren't we glad, the real American Citizens do not have to deal with Scadals like these... Or do we.. Dun dun dun!! 

2. People will kill for something or someone they believe in: The extent of a fathers love is endless in this case. So many people have died in order to keep Olivia safe and protect her from some horrible secrets. Look at the amount of damage they did in order for Fitz to become president of the United States. Innocent lives were taken because they believed Fitz would be a great president (well not enough to let him win on his own). Hopefully next week we find out the full story behind Olivia's mysterious mother and what is it she believes in so much that would put her family in danger.

3. Initially, most men are always viewed as the bad guys: Let's face it. We all thought Eli Pope, Olivia's father, was messy from the beginning. He showed no real emotion or feelings towards Olivia and seemed like more of an associate than a father. We all felt sorry for Olivia because she lost her mother at a young age and her relationship with her dad only consisted of Sunday dinners, which were terribly forced. We even thought he was trying to kill her at one point! But truthfully Eli may be one of the only people who really have her best interest at hand.  

4. Love while you still have the chance: Scandal reminds us every episode how fleeting time is and how quickly life can change in a moments notice. We learn that each second you spend with someone is precious. For instance, Fitz & Olivia don't get many opportunities to see or talk to each other, but when they find the time, they make sure to remind each other of the love they deeply share. In another case, Liv hasn't seen her mom in 22 years yet she didn't cherish the time she had to spend with her mom until final seconds before her take off. Unfortunately in moments time, Liv realized who her mother really was and   We pretty much feel like she wants nothing to do with a terrorists. 

5. Shonda really plays into stereotypes & gender roles while defying them at the same time: With a variety of polished characters, we can see different stereotypes as well as genderoles being displayed. What we live for are the moments where the stereotype or gender role is presented and then goes head to head with defiance. Take when Mr. President and Sally were going at it in the Oval Office about Sally running for President, Fitz did his best to intimidate the hell out of Sally. However Sally stood her ground and was unphased by his idol threats. Matter of fact she welcomed them, way to keep it exciting.  

6. Quinn is still searching for herself and tragically it's in all the wrong places: We can't be the only people slightly annoyed by Quinn and her recent actions. She has been lost since episode one of season one and she longs for affection. Unfortunately, she thinks she's getting it from Charlie who was apart of B-613. We hope Quinn makes the right choice in the season finale since she tends to take matters into her own hands.

7. People detach themselves from their emotions for power: Cyrus is so power hungry that it's jepordizing all of his relationships with people that actually care about him. We learned in previous seasons that he'll kill to be the president and he thinks he'd do a way better job at it than Fitz. Cyrus is the perfect example of someone who doesn't know how to "play their role." He's lost sight of love and what's really important. Hopefully James' little stunt with Sally Langston's husband will be the game changer for him. 

8. Men really don't take cheating so well: We find it so funny how Cyrus had no sympathy towards Mellie as she watched her husband fall completely out of love with her over time but as soon as he finds out James slept with someone he broke down like a baby. The crazy part about it is that Cyrus put his husband in a very uncomfortable situation and knew that it could lead to what happened. Of course he didn't think James would actually do it but.....he did! Now he expects Mellie to console him when he could care less if the Fitz was cheating on her as long as he was doing his job as president. Oh the irony!  

The characters in this show are all so deep and I'm sure we can relate to at least one of them in some way or another. Which character are you?!

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