Monday, December 30, 2013

23 Things We Should Leave in 2013

As we approach the last day of 2013, aka New Years Eve.. The Lab3L wants to share a few things we feel should be buried deep into 2013. The New Year should be approached with enthusiasm, with old things weighing you down, there is not much room for growth and prosperity. Wash away the old, embrace the new.

1. "Turn Up" & 'Turn Down For What?":

We are a pretty creative generation. We think it's time for a new phrase that describes our inebriated nights.

2. Light Skin vs. Dark Skin Beef:

This is so old and it's been lame from the beginning. Stop with all the #teamlightskin #teamdarkskin in the bio's too. It's not cute.

3.  "Oooh Kill Em" (along with poor little Terrio possibly)

Can we stop exploiting little Terrio please! Let the child be a child!

4. Being Local (Not Traveling):

"All God's children need traveling shoes." Maya Angelou wasn't lying. We need to get out and see what the world's made of. Pack those suitcases because 2014 is the year for traveling.

5. Not Saying What's Real or Exactly How You Feel:

Things will go much more smoothly if people kept it real from the beginning. Let it be known before time runs out.

6. Posing Money Pictures on Social Media Networks:

The only people you attract with these kinds of posts are basic. We all know the money will go towards something BASIC anyways. SMH.

7. Going Through Life Emotionally Numb:

Showing emotion isn't a terrible thing. Not expressing how you feel will only hurt you in the end. Half of the time the emotionally numb people are the ones yearning for affection.

8. Leaking Nudes or "Exposing" Others:

This is not cool. At all. All these "thot pages" on Instagram have to stop too. Trust is so important and these kinds of actions make it harder for people to trust these days. It's all fun and games until you see your sister on there. Yikes.

9. Acting Like You're Social Media Famous:

We've met so many people that we wish could have just stayed on twitter or instagram. If you're not going to talk in person don't do it through social media. Please.

10. Being Close Minded:

Moment of truth, if you shut down every single new thing that comes your way, you will not grow. Let's break out of our comfort zones, that's when we really start living.

11. Bad Communication:

We already made a whole post about this. You all should check it out. We can all do much better, no excuses.

12. Settling For Mediocrity:

Trust, you will regret not being the best, going for the best or giving your best in the long run. So go for what you truly want, you deserve the best! Know your worth.

13. Letting Peers Who're Making Moves Faster, Discourage You:

Sometimes you feel defeated when you see your peers making moves and doing things you wish to do. However, we have to look at it as motivation instead of defeat.

14. Staying In Unhealthy Relationships/Friendships:

Truth is, we out grow friendships and relationships alike. Sometime we are just to invested to see it for what it is. Do yourself a favor for the New Year. Leave it all the way alone, you're only wasting each others time. Believe us, it will only get worse. If it's meant to be, it will be.

15. Crying To Twitter/Instagram/Facebook About Not Being In A Relationship:

It's so sad and annoying especially if we all know you're really not about the life (if you know what we mean). It's only pushing people away. We will press unfollow in 2014.

16. "Yaaaaaaaaas":

Please stop lol.

17. Being Negative About ANYTHING & EVERYTHING:

Nobody likes a "Debbie Downer." No one likes negative energy either. We don't need to bring in 2013 with bad vibes. Try looking at the brighter side of things. There is ALWAYS a brighter side.

18. Being A Biter/Feeding Off of Others Creativity:
"Imitation is the best form of flattery." But if you like something don't steal it. -_-. Trust your creative gut and make something as close to original as possible.

19. Preaching About Big Goals (Career/Love) But Putting No Efforts Towards It:

We all want what we want but if you're going to preach about it make sure you're doing everything you can to work towards it. It's as simple as that.

20. Spending Money On Things Trying to Impress Others Instead of Saving and Investing:

Material things won't get you where you need to be. They're only good for a couple of decent instagram pics anyway. Put your money towards something that is truly worth it.

21. Letting Family Stop You From Living Out Your Dreams:

Sometimes your family is scared because you're dreams are so big. Sometimes family can not comprehend your path because, you've been places they have not seen. Do not let anyone stop you from making choices in your life. It is your life lol. Do you!

22.  Leather Jogging Pants:

People have been going crazy with the leather. It was cool while it lasted. What perfect time to leave it in the past.

23. Stressing Over the Little Things

Look at he bigger picture and stop letting small things keep you from doing what you need to do or want to. Stressing is not good for your health and it will turn you into somebody people will not want to deal with. Instead, be thankful for the positive in your life. For instance, making it to see another New Year!

2014 is your year, what will you do with it? Tell us by tweeting @TheLab3L

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