Monday, December 30, 2013

23 Things We Should Leave in 2013

As we approach the last day of 2013, aka New Years Eve.. The Lab3L wants to share a few things we feel should be buried deep into 2013. The New Year should be approached with enthusiasm, with old things weighing you down, there is not much room for growth and prosperity. Wash away the old, embrace the new.

1. "Turn Up" & 'Turn Down For What?":

We are a pretty creative generation. We think it's time for a new phrase that describes our inebriated nights.

2. Light Skin vs. Dark Skin Beef:

This is so old and it's been lame from the beginning. Stop with all the #teamlightskin #teamdarkskin in the bio's too. It's not cute.

3.  "Oooh Kill Em" (along with poor little Terrio possibly)

Can we stop exploiting little Terrio please! Let the child be a child!

4. Being Local (Not Traveling):

"All God's children need traveling shoes." Maya Angelou wasn't lying. We need to get out and see what the world's made of. Pack those suitcases because 2014 is the year for traveling.

5. Not Saying What's Real or Exactly How You Feel:

Things will go much more smoothly if people kept it real from the beginning. Let it be known before time runs out.

6. Posing Money Pictures on Social Media Networks:

The only people you attract with these kinds of posts are basic. We all know the money will go towards something BASIC anyways. SMH.

7. Going Through Life Emotionally Numb:

Showing emotion isn't a terrible thing. Not expressing how you feel will only hurt you in the end. Half of the time the emotionally numb people are the ones yearning for affection.

8. Leaking Nudes or "Exposing" Others:

This is not cool. At all. All these "thot pages" on Instagram have to stop too. Trust is so important and these kinds of actions make it harder for people to trust these days. It's all fun and games until you see your sister on there. Yikes.

9. Acting Like You're Social Media Famous:

We've met so many people that we wish could have just stayed on twitter or instagram. If you're not going to talk in person don't do it through social media. Please.

10. Being Close Minded:

Moment of truth, if you shut down every single new thing that comes your way, you will not grow. Let's break out of our comfort zones, that's when we really start living.

11. Bad Communication:

We already made a whole post about this. You all should check it out. We can all do much better, no excuses.

12. Settling For Mediocrity:

Trust, you will regret not being the best, going for the best or giving your best in the long run. So go for what you truly want, you deserve the best! Know your worth.

13. Letting Peers Who're Making Moves Faster, Discourage You:

Sometimes you feel defeated when you see your peers making moves and doing things you wish to do. However, we have to look at it as motivation instead of defeat.

14. Staying In Unhealthy Relationships/Friendships:

Truth is, we out grow friendships and relationships alike. Sometime we are just to invested to see it for what it is. Do yourself a favor for the New Year. Leave it all the way alone, you're only wasting each others time. Believe us, it will only get worse. If it's meant to be, it will be.

15. Crying To Twitter/Instagram/Facebook About Not Being In A Relationship:

It's so sad and annoying especially if we all know you're really not about the life (if you know what we mean). It's only pushing people away. We will press unfollow in 2014.

16. "Yaaaaaaaaas":

Please stop lol.

17. Being Negative About ANYTHING & EVERYTHING:

Nobody likes a "Debbie Downer." No one likes negative energy either. We don't need to bring in 2013 with bad vibes. Try looking at the brighter side of things. There is ALWAYS a brighter side.

18. Being A Biter/Feeding Off of Others Creativity:
"Imitation is the best form of flattery." But if you like something don't steal it. -_-. Trust your creative gut and make something as close to original as possible.

19. Preaching About Big Goals (Career/Love) But Putting No Efforts Towards It:

We all want what we want but if you're going to preach about it make sure you're doing everything you can to work towards it. It's as simple as that.

20. Spending Money On Things Trying to Impress Others Instead of Saving and Investing:

Material things won't get you where you need to be. They're only good for a couple of decent instagram pics anyway. Put your money towards something that is truly worth it.

21. Letting Family Stop You From Living Out Your Dreams:

Sometimes your family is scared because you're dreams are so big. Sometimes family can not comprehend your path because, you've been places they have not seen. Do not let anyone stop you from making choices in your life. It is your life lol. Do you!

22.  Leather Jogging Pants:

People have been going crazy with the leather. It was cool while it lasted. What perfect time to leave it in the past.

23. Stressing Over the Little Things

Look at he bigger picture and stop letting small things keep you from doing what you need to do or want to. Stressing is not good for your health and it will turn you into somebody people will not want to deal with. Instead, be thankful for the positive in your life. For instance, making it to see another New Year!

2014 is your year, what will you do with it? Tell us by tweeting @TheLab3L

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Kanye West x Kendrick Lamar: Yeezus Tour

Yeezy season is definitely still in full session!

Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar stopped through Chicago's United Center home to Chicago Bulls and Black Hawks, this past week and performed two epic shows back to back. We were able to catch the second show and no words can describe how amazing it was. However, if we could, we'd begin by saying, It was an unforgettable movie! Kendrick opened the show, performing a number of tracks from his debut album, 'good kid, m.A.A.d city' along with other fan favorites including F**kin' Problems. Kendrick showed nothing but love all night to his second home and thanked the Chitown crowd for being the first city to accept him as an artist and giving him the opportunity to be an inspiration to his hometown Compton. He also spoke about the many summers he spent in the city as a kid, and asked that we sing about him when he's gone. He left us all proud of how far he has come and how humble he still is about his rising fame.


However, no one could keep their composure when the second half of the show started. The lights dimmed as a beaming light appeared from the ceiling. We waited for Ye's appearance and the crowd collectively chanted "Yeezus", until he made his way to the center stage. The hometown hero performed every track from his debut album, 'Yeezus' as well as a few songs from 'Cruel Summers'. He also gave us a sermon on why Chicago should not have let Michael Jordan play for the Wizards but let him be an owner. He went further to tell us, we could do anything we put our minds to even if everyone thinks we're crazy. It may have seemed like a typical Kanye rant but everything he said was authentic, timely and so necessary. Just when you thought it was over, Kanye reminded us that he has been that guy since, 'Through the Wire,' and performed several hits from previous albums. Ye not only energetically, entertained the crowd, he encouraged every audience member to do whatever we could dream of, with no looking back. All in all, Kendrick and Kanye put on a great show and it was well worth the wait. We don't know any one who thought any less of the critically acclaimed tour. If  'Yeezus' is coming to a city near you, do not miss out, this epic show will easily become on of your favorite life moments. Check out a few snippets:

Also, Check out pics from the pop up shop!


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tune in Tuesday: Music's Grown Woman, Beyonce

Mrs. Carter reminded every one on Friday the 13th how much of a killer she is in the industry. With a plethora of songs that will keep ya head bobbin, confident in ya birthday suit, cry and have a good time, B has done it again. Appealing to many women and MEN, not just her gorgeous bod is taking the cake. Her melodic melodies, harmonies and off the chain production has made it one of a kind. Her colorful and mind blowing videos couldn't have come at a better time. It's definitely a gift that she took so much time to perfect her craft and give her devout fans as well as those on the fence of being B fans what they deserve. That's why LAB's #TuneinTuesday is Beyonce!

So what we want you all to do is tell us your favorite B track on the Album! 
Tweet us @thelab3l and Post Pics mentioning @thelab3l 

LAB's TOP 3 of B 
1. Partition
2. Haunted 
3. Rocket 

Let's just say it was hard picking three. The whole album cracked. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Drake Season: Would You Like A Tour?

Last night Future, Miguel and Drake stopped by the United Center for their rescheduled Chicago leg of Would You Like A Tour. When Drake hit the stage every seat was filled and the audience enjoyed an amazing night of his greatest hits.

He began the show with "Tuscan Leather," the first track off Nothing Was The Same. He then performed a couple of favorites from Take Care and not a single body was sitting down. Just when the audience thought he couldn't turn up any more he performed a version of "Pop That" which started with the original "Pop That P*ssy" by 2 Live Crew. 

Drake constantly asked the crowd who came to see the show with their real friends and you could feel the love and energy throughout the entire building. He ended his set with an eye catching performance of "305 To my City" as he rose to the ceiling on his circular stage. He went around the crowd freestyling about his many fans who came out to support him and all the great music he has released thus far. He couldn't leave the stage without saying how Chicago was his most memorable show ever. He said he doesn't know when his next album will drop or when his next tour will launch, but he does know that he can't wait until he looks down at a sheet of paper and see that Chicago is the next city he'll be performing in. It's all love Drizzy!

If you made it to the show you would know it cracked the entire time and we all hated to see it end. If you couldn't make it, we're very sorry to hear that but we have a lot of great clips to share with you all! Catch him performing Crew Love, Wu-Tang Forever, Own It, Pop That, and many many more below!

Peace & Love, 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A letter to Generation Y

Dear Generation Y,

We have often been associated with being the "lost generation". We have been called 'ungrateful, narcissistic, and entitled,' to name a few. We have been labl3d as the generation that doesn't understand the importance of communication and maintaining relationships. However, we are the generation that does not lean on the past for assurance of our own futures. We create with hope. We are driven with ideals, and positivity and will be remembered as such. 

In this moment, let us be reminded we do not have to lean on others for acceptance and happiness. We are a special breed. We had the pleasure of growing up in an economic boom, so we experienced prosperity.  We lived in the recession & we manage to make the best of it all by remaining optimistic & focused on our goals.

What other generation can sing 80's hits as if we made them, rock an 90's fit like cultural icons, play hide n go sneak like a kid, handle business as an adult & be as technologically intelligent as us.

We are the leaders of social revolution. We remember writing letters to friends or crushes in school, passing them through the lockers. While at the same time we know the power of subtweets and snapchats.

In this life, it is your duty to get what you deserve which means knowing when advice, situations, jobs, friendships and relationships are not benefiting you but harming you. Never let someone think you are unworthy of a position, a friendship or relationship.

Know your own worth, and let no one determine it for you. Go forth with confidence, you come from a generation misunderstood and that is okay, greatness is often recognized after its time.  So put every piece of yourself in anything you do to be sure they remember you. And for those who show no interest in being apart of your life... Play this song by Mr. Solo Dolo himself. 

Peace & Love


Monday, December 9, 2013

#MusicMonday 'Confident' Justin Beiber ft Chance The Rapper

We can not 'beliebe' #MusicMondays are now over, but we are glad Beiber and Chance got together to bring us this new banger 'Confident'. With 10 weeks of nothing but silky smooth slow jams, Beibz linked with Chicago's golden child, Chance the Rapper and turned it all the way up on his finale.

Chance, has  proved he can capture mainstream audiences with his collaborations with Lil Wayne as well as James Blake; and now we see him step confidently into cross over heaven with this newest collaboration. 

While Justin Beiber on the other hand has been spending the last few months shedding his good boy image, and stepping into grownman's land. 

Checkout some of the sexy lyrics below:
So yes our little JB is making that move into the grown man swag and we are definitely Beliebers! 

Hear JB's last #MusicMondays below. Tweet us, let us know what you think #TheLab3L

Friday, December 6, 2013

Yolo: What We Learned From Last Nights Episode of Scandal!!!

Shonda sure knows how to leave her viewers at the edge of their seats! Last night's episode went way deeper than the usual suspense surrounding Olivia and Fitz and we loved every second of it. The characters are revealing more and more about themselves that we did not see coming at the beginning of season one. Next week is the season three finale so here are a few things we took from last nights episode to prepare us for what's in store! 

1. Politics aren't gay friendly: Anyone who has watched a political campaign can see how hyper sensitive our government is to the gay community. Scandal plays into the "homophobic" world of politics very well, but also in a scandalous way. By openly showing Cyrus is married to a man, we see the liberal side of politics that stand by gay  and lesbian rights. However, with the Vice President's husband cheating on his wife with a man, we are exposed to the more conservative side of politics. The side that would harshly ridicule both man and woman for allowing such debauchery to occur. Aren't we glad, the real American Citizens do not have to deal with Scadals like these... Or do we.. Dun dun dun!! 

2. People will kill for something or someone they believe in: The extent of a fathers love is endless in this case. So many people have died in order to keep Olivia safe and protect her from some horrible secrets. Look at the amount of damage they did in order for Fitz to become president of the United States. Innocent lives were taken because they believed Fitz would be a great president (well not enough to let him win on his own). Hopefully next week we find out the full story behind Olivia's mysterious mother and what is it she believes in so much that would put her family in danger.

3. Initially, most men are always viewed as the bad guys: Let's face it. We all thought Eli Pope, Olivia's father, was messy from the beginning. He showed no real emotion or feelings towards Olivia and seemed like more of an associate than a father. We all felt sorry for Olivia because she lost her mother at a young age and her relationship with her dad only consisted of Sunday dinners, which were terribly forced. We even thought he was trying to kill her at one point! But truthfully Eli may be one of the only people who really have her best interest at hand.  

4. Love while you still have the chance: Scandal reminds us every episode how fleeting time is and how quickly life can change in a moments notice. We learn that each second you spend with someone is precious. For instance, Fitz & Olivia don't get many opportunities to see or talk to each other, but when they find the time, they make sure to remind each other of the love they deeply share. In another case, Liv hasn't seen her mom in 22 years yet she didn't cherish the time she had to spend with her mom until final seconds before her take off. Unfortunately in moments time, Liv realized who her mother really was and   We pretty much feel like she wants nothing to do with a terrorists. 

5. Shonda really plays into stereotypes & gender roles while defying them at the same time: With a variety of polished characters, we can see different stereotypes as well as genderoles being displayed. What we live for are the moments where the stereotype or gender role is presented and then goes head to head with defiance. Take when Mr. President and Sally were going at it in the Oval Office about Sally running for President, Fitz did his best to intimidate the hell out of Sally. However Sally stood her ground and was unphased by his idol threats. Matter of fact she welcomed them, way to keep it exciting.  

6. Quinn is still searching for herself and tragically it's in all the wrong places: We can't be the only people slightly annoyed by Quinn and her recent actions. She has been lost since episode one of season one and she longs for affection. Unfortunately, she thinks she's getting it from Charlie who was apart of B-613. We hope Quinn makes the right choice in the season finale since she tends to take matters into her own hands.

7. People detach themselves from their emotions for power: Cyrus is so power hungry that it's jepordizing all of his relationships with people that actually care about him. We learned in previous seasons that he'll kill to be the president and he thinks he'd do a way better job at it than Fitz. Cyrus is the perfect example of someone who doesn't know how to "play their role." He's lost sight of love and what's really important. Hopefully James' little stunt with Sally Langston's husband will be the game changer for him. 

8. Men really don't take cheating so well: We find it so funny how Cyrus had no sympathy towards Mellie as she watched her husband fall completely out of love with her over time but as soon as he finds out James slept with someone he broke down like a baby. The crazy part about it is that Cyrus put his husband in a very uncomfortable situation and knew that it could lead to what happened. Of course he didn't think James would actually do it but.....he did! Now he expects Mellie to console him when he could care less if the Fitz was cheating on her as long as he was doing his job as president. Oh the irony!  

The characters in this show are all so deep and I'm sure we can relate to at least one of them in some way or another. Which character are you?!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Throw Back Thursday: Anniversary of Rosa Parks & The Montgomery Boycott...but was she the first?

Today, 58 years ago begin the year long Montgomery Bus Boycott, one of the many civil rights movements that paved a peaceful life for us today. We thank and honor Ms. Rosa for not just being tired, but tired of the injustice that was shown to African Americans nationwide.

Rosa Parks, a seamstress at the time, was on her way home on the Cleveland Avenue bus. She was sitting in the first row of the "colored section" but after the white seats were filled the bus driver asked her and three others to vacate their seats for white riders. While the others agreed to move, Parks refused and was arrested and fined $10 plus $4 in court fees.

On December 5, 1955 (the day Parks would be tried in municipal court) the Women's Political Council (WPC) began circulating flyers that called for the boycotting of Montgomery buses. Approximately 40,000 African American bus riders boycotted the system and black leaders organized regular mass meetings to keep African-American residents mobilized around the boycott.

On June 5, 1956, a Montgomery federal court ruled that any law requiring racially segregated seating on buses violated the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 

Few people know the story of Claudette Colvin the 15 year old girl who refused to move to the back of the bus and give up her seat to a white person nine months before Rosa Parks did the very same thing.

We believe that Ms. Claudette is just as important as Rosa Parks. As a young school girl she took what she was learning about Herod such as Harriet Tubman and decided she was tired of being mistreated. It is also important to not at the young age of 15 she challenged the law in court, as one of four women plaintiffs in Browder v. Gayle, the court case that successfully ended bus segregation laws in Montgomery and Alabama.

Ms. Claudette was in the same city, the same year, the same bus system and yet, little still know what she did in March 1955. Why is it that Claudette, did not become the face of the Montgomery Bus boycott? What do you think? 

Black leaders feared she was not the right face for their battle. Claudette explains in her book, "Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice" that "Her (Rosa Parks) skin texture was the kind that people associate with the middle class," says Colvin. "She fit that profile."

Colvin also stated, "my mother told me to be quiet about what I did. She told me: let Rosa be the one. White people aren't going to bother Rosa - her skin is lighter than yours and they like her." 

But at the Lab3l we question what is the "right" face for taking a stand? We are thankful for brave leaders like Rosa Parks  but we should also recognize those who helped towards the cause as well. In this day and age we still face these problems revolving around "color" and what's appealing to others. It seems as if we have not made any progressing steps over the 58 years since Parks was chosen as the face of this movement when you see all the memes and pictures  taking sides based on the shade of our skin. We have to do better. We must do better.

At the end if the day, no matter what shade of black anyone is, we are still viewed as African Americans so instead of ostracizing one another we should come together and fight for each other. #StopTeamLightSkinnedAgainstTeamDarkSkinned2013

Peace & Love 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Work It Out Wednesday: Mind, Body & Soul Edition

Work It Out Wednesday: Mind, Body & Soul Edition

At The Lab3L we believe achieving life goals or simply being happy is directly associated with total health. We feel it is important to understand being healthy is not just working out everyday or eating the right foods. To be healthy means your mind, body and spirit are being taken care of regularly. 

Work it out Wednesdays is here to encourage you mid-week to go forth and be the best you.

With 3 weeks until Christmas and 4 weeks until the New Year, The Lab3L challenges you to join our "Work It Out Wednesday" Challenge. That way, by 2014 you have already incorporated great habits in order to live a prosperous life. Now before you make up your mind to say no, take a look at what it's all about. If it's not for you, that's okay maybe we can catch you next time. But you should spread the word anyway so someone else can be blessed!


The big secret to having a prosperous life is knowing that you create who you want to be, everything that occurs is a result of your own making. That is why it is important to have a positive mind set which fuel constructive thoughts. 

Today watch the "The Secret" You can find it on Netflix. Not enough time, catch clips on YouTube!

In addition, everyday this week remember to encourage yourself. First try being thankful for what you have & what you will have. Remind yourself through out the day how great you are and the goals that you have set. DO NOT let negativity or doubt cloud your happiness. If something negative happens in your day, try concentrating on something that makes you happy. That career move you've been working towards, or that trip you are taking in a few months. How about that loved one that always makes you smile. Focus on the good things at all times. It will be difficult at first, but trust your future self will love that you decided to make that mental adjustment.

Thought of the day: 

"I posses everything I need in order to achieve my goals. I will not give up nor let anyone else's negative energy disturb my inner peace or still my inner joy"


Try this simple 20 minute workout, (twice if you're feeling daring) to keep your blood circulating and your body looking tight.


If you want to have total happiness you must take care of your physical, emotional and spiritual self on an everyday basis. Spiritual wellness may not be something you think is important, yet its impacts your life rather you it's your focus or not. The foundation of spirituality is discovering a sense of meaningfulness and purpose in your life. We all have a purpose to fill, a healthy spirit makes it easier.

We have some simple steps you can use to assure your spirit is well taken care of. 

1. TAKE QUIET TIME: Take time for yourself daily, even if it's just before you go to sleep. In quiet time you find your true self.

2. BE OPEN: Spiritual experiences can happen anywhere at any time.

3. BE OPENMINDED: Being non-judgmental and having an open mind, allows for your spirit to grow.

4. BE FORGIVING: Practice forgiveness, period. Holding on to grudges is not healthy. Learn to let go. Start with simple things

5. FOCUS ON YOU: Pray, meditate or worship.

6. LIVE: Be happy and live joyfully. Find happiness in every moment. Every day isn't a good day, BUT there is good in everyday. 

7. BELIEVE: Allow yourself to believe in things that aren't easily explainable. Watch how the universe becomes at your finger tips. 

Thought of the day:

"All I seek is within."

Tune in Next week! Follow @TheLab3L on Twitter and Instagram